blog - Recap: Lockwood 21st anniversary screening - Lockwood Skateshop & Avenue Anvers


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Recap: Lockwood 21st anniversary screening

  • Publié le
  • Par Jules Bossier
Recap: Lockwood 21st anniversary screening

We did a screening in the Lockwood Hardgoods store at the Lange Klarenstraat, showcasing all the team videos the Lockwood crew has shot the past 21 years - check here to see what went down.

We're doing something nice every 21st of the month in order to celebrate the 21st birthday of Lockwood skate shop in 2017. Last Tuesday, the 21st of march, we dug up some of the old treasures that were filmed through the years and held a screening to commemorate them. The '98 Play-Offs, Coincidence, Lockwood, Double Impact and Jacky were shown, the attendees were treated to some drinks and afterwards a big fat skate session broke out on the Antwerp Meir. To further honour the Lockwood legacy, our anniversary collection was available in store for all those that want to rock the fresh throwback garms. Check some of the footage here and go to our facebook page for a full report. 


Pictures by Kelly Fober.



















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